Living with dementia can be difficult and often times the world around us is not ideal for those suffering with dementia. Luckily, there are some places that go the extra mile and become dementia friendly to make things easier on those with dementia. Here are just a few examples I have come across that has touched my heart.

Dementia Friendly Restaurants

Dementia friendly restaurants are becoming more popular across the United States. Several restaurants have conducted training services for workers to know how to interact with those with dementia to give them the best dining experience possible. Many of these restaurants have started to include a seahorse symbol to let customers know they are considered a dementia friendly restaurant. Workers undergo training that teaches them to lower their voices, look at the customer directly and redirecting conversations if customers started to get agitated.

Dementia Friendly Cruises

Just because you suffer from dementia doesn’t mean you can’t go out and travel! A dementia friendly cruise is on the horizon that is hitting the seas. The cruise will cater to those with dementia and their family and caregivers. Travelers will be able to experience new things, which helps with cognitive functions along with receiving any emotional support. There will be trained workers on the cruise to help those with dementia adjust with all services offered being dementia friendly.

Dementia Friendly Trains

There are even trains that are becoming more accessible to those with dementia. In partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society, the goal is to educate the staff and turn the trains into more dementia friendly transportation services. Traveling can often times make those with dementia feel lonely and isolated. The goal of these dementia friendly trains is to reduce the anxiety that comes along with traveling and give the passenger a comfortable experience, even when certain triggers occur.

Are you suffering from early onset dementia and looking for support? Contact us today to learn about our in person therapy sessions along with our new support group for caregivers!

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